Since its creation in 1980, the objective of joint french finnish forest Commission is to promote exchanges and cooperation between these two important forest countries that are Finland and France, in different domains as public and private forests, development and extension services, training and education and research. Each domain being represented through a college, which groups French and Finnish counterparts.
Its sessions take place alternatively in France and in Finland, every 2 years : in 2006 at the Centre Forestier de la Bastide des Jourdans (France), in 2008 at Joensu (Finland).
In 2010, under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests and with its support, the organisation of the event has been entrusted to CNPF. In particular in the cover of a project entitled ForCoop – that aims to facilitate exchanges between Finnish Forest Regional Centres and French Regional Centres for Forest Ownership, and that organizes a first seminar at the same time and in the same place.
Then the union of these two events will give a large echoe to the results of the workshops, and the occasion for the participants to share a field visit.
Forcoop - to download
Séminaire ForCoop n° 1- Actes FR
Thomas Petreault, Jean-Pierre Ortisset - Forest supply and use in Midi-Pyrénées and in Tarn
Marc des Robert - Better know owners' motivations and profiles : Example in private forest ownership
F. Didolot - To better know owner's motivations : case of Massif Central
Collective Actions - Massifs Development Plans
Thomas Petreault - Massifs Development Plans in Midi-Pyrénées
Collective actions in Franche-Comté
Nicolas Traub - The Massif Development Plan in private forest ownership in Rhône-Alpes
Regional Observatory of Forest Ecosystems
Jean-Pierre Ortisset - Tarn Forests facing climate change
Pauline Marty - Drinking water catchments and forest management in Midi-Pyrénées
First contracts for private forests opening to the public
F. Didolot - Tourism and amenities : the sample of Plateau de Millevaches
Kirsi Greis - How we are collecting data about forest owners
Iittainen - Consulting Services, Information and Training
Eljas Heikkinen - Forest road – cooperative project
Eljas Heikkinen – Concept of jointly owned forests in Finland
Nikkola - The National Forest Programme
Kaj Lindh - Forestry in Finland ─ Climate Change Challenges
Pirita Soini - Non-wood forest products and services in Finnish forests
Timo Makkonen - Soil and Water protection in Forestry
CNPF-CRPF-IDF - Professional forestry organisations presentation
Häme-Uusimaa - Forestry Centre
Klaus Yrjönen - Forestry Development Centre Tapio
Restitution workshop - How to improve awareness among forest owners
Restitution workshop - Forest amenities
Joint french finnish forest commission - to download
André Labarrière - Bilateral cooperation between Metsähallitus and ONF
Ari Salmela - Jyväskylä Educational Consortium
Jean-Luc Guitton - News in French forest policy
Jean-Marc Guehl - Collaborations between METLA & INRA EFPA Research Department
Jirki Kangas - Group Public Forests / Metsähallitus
Juha Hakkarainen - Potential areas for improved co-operation between French and Finnish forest owner
Hannu Raitio - METLA - Finnish Forest Research Institute
Heikki Granholm - Forest policy issues
Luc Bouvarel - Cooperation French Finnish forest
Ritva Toivonen - TAPIO potential areas for co-operation
Olivier Picard - AFO's project
Sandra Luque - Cemagref projects